Our exclusive hand-made papyrus sheets (on the left), patented for floors and coatings, is made from selected plants of Cyperus Papyrus. Tiny strips are cut one by one from the plants and placed one next the other to make a sheet of paper. Strips from different plants, when left in contact with air, develop a variety of colours and are mixed together to obtain this unique and multi-colored texture. The traditional papyrus paper (on the right), used for writings and paintings, is made with a similar technique but the strips receive a special treatment to stop the oxidation and obtain a monochromatic texture.
Slowly strolling barefoot on Papyro is like travelling through 5.000 years of history.
- Pavyro is a natural, unique, innovative, biocompatible and environmentally friendly product.
- Pavyro is made in Syracuse (Italy), where there is the largest colony of papyrus in Europe.
- Every strip is patiently woven in order to build up a sheet, and every sheet is an individual piece.
Our papyrus sheet

The plant
Egyptians at first called it Uaz
Greek called it Biblos
then Papyrus and in the end Chartès.
Find more about papyrus